

Have a look at the finer details and let’s lock in a date!


Weddings & Engagements


Couples package

Capturing moments of romance including registrations and elopements.

- 3 hours shooting
- Includes 300 high res images
- Online gallery of web images
- Client ownership over all photographs



Wedding package

I’ll be there to journey with you and capture the special moments on your big day.

- 10 hours shooting
- Includes 700 high res images
- Online gallery of web images
- Client ownership over all photographs



Story package

All the good bits and more. Capturing your story from day one.

- 2 hour engagement shoot
- 8 hours wedding coverage

- Includes 700 high res images
- Online gallery of web images
- Client ownership over all photographs


Additional shooting hours are $350
A second shooter can also be organised on request.
Looking for a videographer? I’ve worked with amazing videographers and can recommend a few!


Let’s chat about your special day, get in touch!

10% non-refundable deposit is required to confirm your booking.
The remaining fee is due the week before your wedding.
*Travel cost is additional.


Family + Baby photos


Family package

Create memorable family moments. Families of all sizes and ages are welcome.

- 1.5 hours shooting
- Includes 100 high res images
- Online gallery of web images
- Client ownership over all photographs


Mini-me package

From baby bumps to tiny tots, I love creating and capturing playful moments with you and your little one.

- 1. hour shooting
- Includes 70 high res images
- Online gallery of web images
- Client ownership over all photographs

